Meta Mental Health's Vision

To bring high quality, personalized, and highly accessible care to the communities of Northwest Florida, primarily through tele-medicine.

Tele-medicine is a recent advancement that you may find brings increased ease in making and attending your appointments, as well as raising your overall satisfaction of your psychiatric care. 

While Dr. Adelsberger's psychiatric practice is anchored in the highest quality evidence base available, there may be occasion that non-traditional recommendations, based on readings or clinical experience, may be suggested- such as supplements, or 'alternative medicine' options. Best practices, based on evidence based medicine, remains the unequivocal standard of care at Meta Mental Health. You'll be regularly apprised of what level of evidence there is for a specific treatment. 

All are welcome to seek  and receive services, inclusive of cultural, ethnic, religious, political, gender and sexual identity.

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Your Family Practitioner May Encourage You!

Meta Mental Health is ready, willing and able to coordinate care with your Pediatrician or Family Practitioner. It may be preferential to you that your primary care physician (PCP) receive recommendations from Dr. Adelsberger in the form of a consultation report, and then the PCP can direct care with the recommendations provided. Follow up appointments could be made on an as needed basis. 


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